KLA Perspectives

Climate Solutions Webinar June 22: Circular Economy

Posted byKim Lundgren on Jun 8, 2021 3:53:38 AM

Title 2Waste and Circular Economy the focus of second webinar in series on high impact GHG reduction strategies for local governments

Experts tell us that we have less than a decade to significantly reduce GHG emissions to avoid the most dire impacts of climate change. This means local governments must take aggressive action now.

In these virtual discussions, experts in community-based climate, energy and sustainability will provide local governments with the knowledge, messaging and tools to shift the conversation from if we are going to address climate change to how we are going to do it. Panelists will review actionable strategies to collaborate with the community and enact aggressive climate policy. The webinar is free and open to local governments and their climate action partners.

Circular Economy

Tuesday, June 22, 11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

While the waste sector is often a much smaller portion of local government GHG emissions, taking action to reduce these emissions can help tackle root causes of human behavior that keep us on an unsustainable path. From reducing over consumption to enhancing economic diversification, simply shifting the way we think about the materials we use and dispose of can support a transformation in your community.

Hear from experts on the circular economy about the importance of moving from a take-make-waste linear economy to take-make-use-recycle/repurpose loop. Meeting GHG reduction goals will require this comprehensive approach to waste, but it isn’t as simple as starting a new program – and it’s not limited to recycling. Panelists will review the basics of a circular economy, what aspects can be addressed at the city/town/county level, the data you’ll need to get started, and strategies for collaborating with other departments and external partners.


Presented by Kim Lundgren Associates (KLA) and moderated by Kim, panelists include:

Chris Castro, Director of Sustainability, City of Orlando

Bridget Croke, Managing Director, Closed Loop Partners

Joe Guidice, Assistant Public Works Director, City of Phoenix

John Trujillo, Program Director, NewFields