full team

The KLA Team

The KLA Team is built on decades of experience working with communities, companies, nonprofits and individuals to advance sustainability. Our expertise ranges from community engagement and storytelling to technical work (GHG inventories and GIS mapping) to developing sustainability, resilience and climate action plans. We work together everyday to serve our local government clients, partnering with them to build the sustainable communities they envision. We do this by delivering affordable tools and services to assess, plan, implement, evaluate, and communicate sustainability goals and programs. Our team has expertise in strategic climate action and sustainability planning, sustainability indicator identification and reporting, climate change vulnerability assessments, greenhouse gas accounting, communications and marketing, equity-driven community and stakeholder engagement, change management, facilitation, and training.

Visit our Careers page to see what's available. 

Of course, the best way to get to know us is to work with us. So set up a time for a free, casual chat with us about your community’s needs and how our team can help.

Kim 052A9663a

Kim Lundgren

Chief Executive Officer

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead

  • I was elected class comedian of my high school class- I still like to keep lots of witty humor (and sarcasm) in the workplace!
  • Every position I have held since 2001, I was the first to hold it
  • My motto is work hard, play harder
Mike 052A9711a

Mike Steinhoff

Director of Climate Analysis

“We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.” — Buckminster Fuller

  • I've worked with plants from single cell algae to trees to advance sustainability
  • Enjoy digital communications and learning, but analog music and photography
  • Felt the cold embrace of a rogue wave from the Southern Ocean
Tacy headshot

Tacy Lambiase

Director of Climate Solutions

“This planet is the only home we’ll ever have. There’s no place like it. And home is always, always, always worth it.” – Mary Annaise Heglar

  • Born and raised in Texas, but has made Maryland home
  • Enjoys kayaking, long walks in the park, and eating Chesapeake blue crabs
  • Once starred in a friend’s feature-length film
Danielle 052A9778a

Danielle Civitillo

Director of Technology

“Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.” - Mae Jemison

  • In college, I traveled with the UConn women's and men's basketball teams playing saxophone in the pep band.
  • I love to bake, bike, and dabble in photography.
  • Used book and record stores are my favorite places aside from the beach.
Annie 052A9763

Annie Suttle

Director of Marketing

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” — Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

  • Born a tree hugger now raising my own
  • Drama queen
  • Believer in the power of words...and thank-you notes
Carly 052A9812a

Carley Petrone

Climate Analysis Manager

“What people have the capacity to choose, they have the ability to change.” — Madeleine Albright

  • My favorite food is a chicken caesar salad wrap
  • I can say the alphabet backwards
  • I love exploring NYC and having picnics in Central Park
Joey Headshot

Joey Wolongevicz

Senior Climate Communications Specialist

“In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra. ” ― Fran Lebowitz

  • I can sort of play the theremin, the only instrument in the world you play without touching.
  • I once made the dubious decision to run the Cape Cod marathon without training for it.
  • I have a twin sister, and the only trait we share is our eyebrows.
Sarah Headshot

Sarah Carista

Climate Analyst

“And at last, you’ll know with surpassing certainty that only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth. And that is not speaking.” Audre Lorde

  • I have taken up crochet! My first project was a soda can koozie.
  • I’ve raised/fostered 15 kittens (but I’m also a proud dog parent)!
  • I’ve dabbled in fused glass artwork and jewelry making.
Margot Headshot for website-1

Margot Paolucci

Sustainability Project Coordinator

 "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better" - Maya Angelou

  • I am the youngest of 8 siblings
  • I love doing yoga, cooking, and baking in my spare time
  • I once did a 30-mile weekend canoe trip in northern Minnesota
Hannah Aldredge head shot

Hannah Arledge

Climate Action Planner

"Attention is the beginning of devotion." - Mary Oliver

  • I lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina for a year.
  • In my free time I love helping out on farms around New England, learning new techniques and tasting new produce.
  • I'm convinced I could win the show Alone.
Carlyn Bacci head shot

Carlyn Bacci

Community Engagement and Communications Specialist

"I have amazing news for you. Man is not alone on this planet. He is part of a community, upon which he depends absolutely." -Daniel Quinn, Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind & Spirit 

  • I'm scuba dive certified and have been on diving trips to Indonesia and Thailand.
  • I've competed in 4 triathlons and 1 marathon.
  • I recently started brewing and bottling my own kombucha. 

Extended Team

In addition to our core staff, KLA partners with a variety of outside consultants and interns to round out the team.

CC ambassadors

Climate Ambassador Teams

KLA supports Climate Ambassador teams across the country as they support community engagement for climate action planning and implementation in client communities.

Get to Know Us 

We know it's way more engaging to watch a video than read a paragraph, so check this out if you want to get to know us and KLA a little better! 

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