KLA Perspectives

Kim Lundgren

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Welcoming the 2024 KLA Summer Internship Cohort

Posted by Kim Lundgren on Jun 25, 2024 3:52:58 PM

Each summer, KLA works with MassCEC’s Clean Energy Internship program to connect with passionate, committed, and mission-driven students from across Massachusetts, our home base. The KLA Summer Internship helps connect a broad range of students to the local climate action process and brings fresh perspectives to our work fighting the climate crisis one local government at a time.  

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Topics: sustainability, climate action, equity, Core Values, internship

Three Climate Action Plans to Watch in 2024

Posted by Kim Lundgren on May 28, 2024 5:30:12 PM

For local governments, climate action plans need to do more than just outline a path to emissions reductions. A strong climate action plan not only properly analyzes current conditions to create a feasible path forward, it galvanizes support and incentivizes the necessary action from residents and local businesses to reduce climate impacts and support resiliency. 

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Prioritizing Implementation for Urgent Climate Action

Posted by Kim Lundgren on Apr 29, 2024 7:14:50 PM

Earth Day Is Over. Time to Kick Climate Action into High Gear – With or Without a Plan  

Don’t squander momentum from Earth Day by waiting to take action.  

As local government reps in the climate and sustainability space, we too often get stuck in a rut, waiting to complete   a specific process before we take action. We all know the drill: Conduct a GHG inventory, then go through a planning process, then hire a “sustainability coordinator” and only then does the real action kick off. While it’s important to have a plan to guide the action, humanity can no longer afford to wait for that process. Reports from the United Nations and others have made it clear that we are not on track to meet the necessary reductions to avoid catastrophic climate change. 

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