KLA Perspectives

Tacy Lambiase

Recent Posts

Make it a Heat Pump Holiday

Posted by Tacy Lambiase on Dec 16, 2024 4:29:13 PM


Guest Post by Tacy Lambiase, Director of Climate Solutions

Just in time for the holiday season, we’re welcoming a new addition to our family. (And no, before you ask, it’s not a baby or a puppy. But it IS something we worked to acquire over the course of about nine months and we are thrilled to see it come to life!) Please put your hands together for…our shiny new heat pump! 



Caption: Our heat pump is a heating and cooling system in one, and it looks very similar to our previous air conditioning unit. What a beauty! 

When my husband and I bought our house more than two years ago, we knew we wanted to eventually electrify everything. We purposefully looked for a house with an electric stovetop to avoid toxic indoor air pollution and existing ductwork that would make it easier to transition heating and cooling systems from natural gas to electricity. After we moved in, we didn’t have a specific timeframe in mind for when we were going to make the switch from our aging gas furnace to an electric heat pump. We simply (and in hindsight, somewhat naively) put “heat pump” on our home improvement wish list and figured we’d get to it down the road.  



As we’ve learned as first-time homeowners, however: You cannot control when things break. So, here’s how we knew it was time to say goodbye to gas.  

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Six Takeaways from the National Adaptation Forum

Posted by Tacy Lambiase on Nov 9, 2022 10:49:13 AM

Guest post by Tacy Lambiase, Climate Communications and Storytelling Manager

Last month, I had the opportunity to connect with many passionate, smart, and hardworking climate professionals at the 5th National Adaptation Forum in Baltimore. More than 800 people attended – a record turnout – to share their ideas, strategies, successes, and challenges with preparing our world for a rapidly changing climate.

The KLA and Climate Resilience Consulting (CRC) teams also had the chance to meet and network with many attendees at our interactive booth. (If you haven’t already, take our quick quiz to find out which adaptation strategy matches your personality!)

Couldn’t attend this year’s event? Check out the 2022 program; NAF will be posting videos and summaries of the main sessions later this month. We also talked about KLA's equity-centered approach to resilience planning and our work with clients from Cambridge, MA, to Clark County, NV, in a recent blog post.  And we compiled the KLA and CRC resources from NAF on this page. 

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Topics: adaptation, local leadership, climate adaptation, resilience, climate resiliency, climate leadership