KLA Perspectives

Thanks to our 2022 Clients, Partners + Fans

Posted by Kim Lundgren on Dec 22, 2022 9:04:00 AM

The KLA Team has been so grateful to work with dozens of clients and partners this year to develop ambitious climate action plans rooted in equitable engagement and to activate sustainability storytelling through our community dashboards. Thanks to all of you, we're one year closer to an innovative, equitable, and sustainable future.

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Topics: 2022

Consistent, Predictable, Accessible Data: Foundation of Climate Action

Posted by Kim Lundgren on Dec 14, 2022 11:57:40 AM

KLA clients lead the way with innovative, scalable, replicable climate solutions at the local level.
Each month in 2022 we will shine a spotlight on their bright ideas.


Guest post by Mike Steinhoff, KLA’s Director of Climate Analysis 

Local governments need access to consistent, high-quality data to develop and track progress on implementation of climate action plans. Massachusetts and other states are working to level the data playing field for more ambitious targets and results. In Massachusetts this has historically happened in fits and starts, but as they formalize more of these processes, we hope to see more agencies providing actionable information from the start. 

We have a strong focus at KLA on the importance of data in the battle against climate change. But not all data is created equal. And the good stuff isn’t always easy to find or possible to access.  

Ask any local government sustainability or climate staff if they’ve ever been stymied or frustrated by their search for data like “How many EVs are in my community?” or “How much energy did we use this year compared to last?”, and you’ll be flooded with examples. And on the other end, utilities and the like are hit with one-off requests at random from each city, town, county. Thus, they provide one-off responses with no guarantee of consistency.  

States cannot meet ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals without local governments. It stands to reason that you don’t want them all trying to innovate independently or recreate the wheel. They would be wise to follow the lead of Massachusetts which has given its local governments and therefore itself a leg up in this arena by providing the funding, data and tools to align and achieve goals.  

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Topics: climate action, local leadership, climate leadership, data, bright ideas

Press Play on the Power of Video for Climate Action Engagement

Posted by Kim Lundgren on Nov 16, 2022 3:35:28 PM

KLA clients lead the way with innovative, scalable, replicable climate solutions at the local level.
Each month in 2022 we will shine a spotlight on their bright ideas.

Did you know that 95% of people are likely to remember a call to action after watching a video compared to just 10% who read information in text format?

It’s safe to say that these days you can’t effectively communicate with or engage people in your community without video. That includes climate action planning and implementation.

You can have ambitious emissions slashing opportunities, blockbuster partnership models, and interactive engagement plans, but those bells and whistles aren't enough. If you aren’t reaching people – if they are glossing over your text-heavy emails, scrolling past your standard social media posts, and never setting a virtual foot on your website – you won’t get very far.

That’s where video can be the bright idea that allows the rest of your bright ideas to see the light of day.

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Topics: video, community engagement, local leadership, climate leadership, bright ideas, communications

Six Takeaways from the National Adaptation Forum

Posted by Tacy Lambiase on Nov 9, 2022 10:49:13 AM

Guest post by Tacy Lambiase, Climate Communications and Storytelling Manager

Last month, I had the opportunity to connect with many passionate, smart, and hardworking climate professionals at the 5th National Adaptation Forum in Baltimore. More than 800 people attended – a record turnout – to share their ideas, strategies, successes, and challenges with preparing our world for a rapidly changing climate.

The KLA and Climate Resilience Consulting (CRC) teams also had the chance to meet and network with many attendees at our interactive booth. (If you haven’t already, take our quick quiz to find out which adaptation strategy matches your personality!)

Couldn’t attend this year’s event? Check out the 2022 program; NAF will be posting videos and summaries of the main sessions later this month. We also talked about KLA's equity-centered approach to resilience planning and our work with clients from Cambridge, MA, to Clark County, NV, in a recent blog post.  And we compiled the KLA and CRC resources from NAF on this page. 

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Topics: adaptation, local leadership, climate adaptation, resilience, climate resiliency, climate leadership

Where, How and Why Equity is at the Core of Climate Resilience Planning

Posted by Kim Lundgren on Oct 13, 2022 8:45:42 PM

KLA clients lead the way with innovative, scalable, replicable climate solutions at the local level.
Each month in 2022 we will shine a spotlight on their bright ideas.

At KLA we’re gearing up for the National Adaptation Forum (NAF) in Baltimore at the end of the month, so we’re using our October Bright Ideas feature – a spot where we normally select a single KLA client project to highlight – to showcase our equity-centered approach to climate resilience work with multiple communities.

Cities, towns and counties seek KLA’s support on all aspects of climate work from mitigation to adaptation, resilience to sustainability. And while there are important distinctions among those, we are quick to note that the climate crisis is here now and requires urgent action. We simply don’t have the luxury of time, so our planning processes incorporate all aspects of addressing climate change. Whether you’re pursuing an electric vehicle fleet to reduce emissions or mapping urban heat islands to better respond to increased heat waves, you’re taking steps to foster a more resilient and sustainable community that can thrive in the short and long term.

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Topics: local leadership, climate leadership, bright ideas

Columbia, MO, Aims to Beat the Heat with Community Mapping

Posted by Kim Lundgren on Sep 27, 2022 12:35:07 PM

KLA clients lead the way with innovative, scalable, replicable climate solutions at the local level.
Each month in 2022 we will shine a spotlight on their bright ideas.

To fight extreme heat and make the community more resilient to climate change, Columbia, MO, is using a Show Me the Heat community science project to collect heat index data and inform climate action planning and heat responses.  

But first, we created a short quiz for you to test your extreme heat knowledge. 


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Topics: local leadership, climate leadership, bright ideas

Clark County, Nevada's Winning Hand for an Actionable Plan

Posted by Kim Lundgren on Jul 27, 2022 10:53:25 AM

KLA clients lead the way with innovative, scalable, replicable climate solutions at the local level.
Each month in 2022 we will shine a spotlight on their bright ideas.

To ensure the All-In Sustainability and Climate Action Plan is implemented and has impact, Clark County takes a more proactive, inclusive and data-driven approach to community and stakeholder engagement.

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Topics: local leadership, climate leadership, bright ideas

Devens, MA, Cracks the Waste Nut with a Reuse Hub

Posted by Kim Lundgren on Jun 20, 2022 2:38:48 PM

KLA clients lead the way with innovative, scalable, replicable climate solutions at the local level.
Each month in 2022 we will shine a spotlight on their bright ideas.

One image that represents the perils of our planet is that of a landfill. Look closely and you will see food that could have been composted, plastic and paper that should have been recycled, and loads of items that could have easily been reused or repurposed. In addition, landfills are one of the largest sources of methane, a greenhouse gas that is causing climate change.

Devens, MA, has a different vision. Thanks to the nonprofit Devens Eco-Efficiency Center and The Great Exchange program, on average 30,000 pounds of resources are diverted from landfills every year.

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Topics: infrastructure, local leadership, climate leadership, equity, bright ideas

Climate Change: What Should Individuals and Local Governments Do Together?

Posted by Kim Lundgren on May 27, 2022 11:38:24 AM

It’s “Now or Never”: The Latest Warnings Highlight Need for Immediate, Targeted, Proven Actions

We have a "brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all."

“We've reached the now-or-never point of limiting warming to 1.5C.”

Those were the dire warnings from the IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) most recent reports. Although the language was stunning, this was not the first alarm bell to be sounded – but it’s one of the last before it’s too late: “IPCC reports take about seven years to compile, making this potentially the last warning before the world is set irrevocably on a path to climate breakdown,” reported The Guardian.

How do we keep from being paralyzed with fear or denial?

The key is to take action. But not just any action.

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Topics: local leadership, climate leadership, climate science

New Bedford's Strategy for Resilient, Equitable Green Infrastructure

Posted by Kim Lundgren on May 19, 2022 10:55:44 AM

KLA clients lead the way with innovative, scalable, replicable climate solutions at the local level.
Each month in 2022 we will shine a spotlight on their bright ideas.

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Topics: infrastructure, local leadership, climate leadership, equity, bright ideas